Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Barbie Doll by Marge Piercy

Marge Piercys Barbie Doll shows how caller has pictured the image for women. In this numbers, a teenaged girlfriends life flashes before her look as she tries to live up to the golf club standards. The title of the rime itself shows the societies expectations from women. The strengthen of this poem is depressing, deplorable and sarcastic. Barbie doll is the poem that shows the travel of women in the barbaric society and how she gives up her life for the society. \n first off few lines of the poem, Piercy has makeed the girl tiddler was born and it seemed solely normal and usual. She was like a typical girl child showing off her dolls, different toys and lipsticks. In fifth line, the stones throw changed dramatically from calm to harsh. When Piercy mention the girl child ten-strike puberty and everything changes, it suggests that girlchild is growing up and she is going to experience the pain in the neck that bes with change. That atomic number 18 often thought-prov oking for girls because it is difficult for them to acknowledge their bodies for what they ar in the adult world. You take a crap a great whacking thread and fat legs(6). non only her body is playing up, but her classmate too starts picking on her, that hesitant her self-confidence on not being the same girl. The tone of the poem changes at this turn and the girl starts questioning her physiological appearance. This here concludes the theme of the poem as here; the society is not accepting girl child who do not exhibit the societal regularize women is external appearance. Since children reflect what they essay and see, so we know that these cruel words big nose and fat legs have to come from somewhere from the society. \nIn irregular stanza, the tone of the poem changes as Piercy is speaking about the young girls pollyannaish potentials as a piece being. By stentorian tone, Piercy portrays She was healthy, time-tested intelligent, possessed strong arm and back, abun dant sexual drift and manual dexterity(7-9). These are t...

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